Run Away!
This lesson promotes the idea of setting “guard rails” between you and sinful activities, behavior, and relationships.
Free written and audio Christian Bible studies
This lesson promotes the idea of setting “guard rails” between you and sinful activities, behavior, and relationships.
This is a wonderful lesson on leadership from the life of Daniel.
Just finished listening to a sermon from Andy Stanley. Wow, what a great word to our leaders in Washington! If they would only listen.
God and Country: God Has Left the Conversation
(Looks like they’ve stopped leaving older messages up on iTunes and now charge $1.00 for them. Sorry.)
This practical lesson discusses the importance of living out our Christianity where we work, and some practical ways to do it.
Four lessons on specific character qualities. So far, we’ve covered Wisdom, Discretion, Gratefulness, Integrity, Humility. The lessons are designed not only to challenge and equip adults, but also to give them some ideas how to develop the character qualities in their children.
This study is mainly a compilation of biblical passages about marriage. The material includes a worksheet that can be printed and used for group study by assigning a different passage to each group and allowing them to discover the marriage-relevant instruction themselves.
This lesson was presented to the men in my class at Father’s Day, highlighting the importance of every decision they make. The lesson is based on the truly gruesome happenings in Judges 19-21.
Zip file containing two lessons identifying first our desperate need for Messiah and then exposing His work on the Cross and how it addressed each of our needs. More serious and theological. The second lesson was one of the more meaningful of all of the lessons I’ve taught.
Audio podcast of the second lesson to my Bible Study class. AAC format usable in iTunes and with iPods. 48 min., 24MB
Moses demonstrated exceptional leadership. This lesson attempts to highlight some of those characteristics.
Of course, first is the Bible. Read it. All of it. Seriously.
How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie
Good to Great – Jim Collins
Developing the Leader within You – John Maxwell
If Only He Knew – Gary Smalley (aka Hidden Keys of a Loving, Lasting Marriage)
The Dream Giver – Bruce Wilkinson
The Traveler’s Gift – Andy Andrews
Hinds Feet on High Places – Hannah Hurnard
Laws for Liberated Living – Manley Beasley (OOP)