Before I Die, I Want To _________
This single-week lesson was given as a New Year’s 2013 challenge to define what is your life vision. It will be a foundation for a few other lessons in the next weeks.
Free written and audio Christian Bible studies
This single-week lesson was given as a New Year’s 2013 challenge to define what is your life vision. It will be a foundation for a few other lessons in the next weeks.
This multi-week lesson investigates who Satan is, where he came from, what his goals are, what his methods are, and what we can do to resist him.
This lesson continues the challenge on class members to change, to lead, to do something, using Moses as the example.
This is a second, and more in-depth look at Jesus’ teaching his disciples how to pray.
This study focuses on the importance of Bible Study in the life of a believer.
This lesson is a follow-on lesson after the spiritual gifts study to drive us to take the results of that study and discern what new activities and direction we should consider. I also made a worksheet including some of the spiritual gifts, talents, and personality traits that might help one discern a bigger picture view of how God made them and what that might mean about God’s purpose for them.
This lesson is a reminder to pay attention to everything you do when you interact with your spouse because each interaction either builds or tears down the relationship.
This Father’s Day lesson was taught in the absence of the wives so that we could discuss some very personal and serious matters.
This Valentine’s Day lesson helps couples discern how they can add romance into their marriage.
A powerful and moving look into God’s hand in our lives during difficult times, one that’s sometimes hard to face. But we need to face our worst times in the light of God’s Word and His indescribable love for us. Get ready to have deep emotions stirred, but also, I pray, hope and a new perspective on those worst times in our lives.