Living by Faith in an Extravagant World

Posted by Jonathan Bingham on January 1, 2007 under Blog | Be the First to Comment

(Preface – the idea that “the just shall live by faith” is one that has the rare honor of being declared no less than four specific times in Scripture: Hab. 2:4, Rom. 1:17, Gal. 3:11, and Heb. 10:38.)

As some of you know, we’ve been facing some pretty hefty challenges over the last four or five months. The trials have forced me to live by faith, a condition expected in Scripture, but not common in a culture where everything is going so well in all aspects of life.
This forced me to face the fact that I have not had to live by faith in a long, long time.
Why is that?
Well, I guess it is because I live in one of the more prestigious, well-to-do counties in the most prosperous country in the world, and everything has been going just fine. I have a decent (well, actually, compared to the rest of the world, ludicrous) income. We live in a nice house (we think it’s way too small, but most of the world’s population would think it was a mansion). We have everything we need and all but the most extravagant things we desire. And even the infrequent difficulties we face are common elsewhere.
So when we faced the challenge and realized that we had not felt any great need at all to live by faith since the last (distant) challenge we had seen, I had to ask myself the question, “How does a Christian who lives in the U.S. with few real problems keep living by faith?”
An honest question, but one that probably disgusts God.
I prayed about it and was given at least one answer. (Maybe just one is all that’s needed.)
When I asked God, “How can a Christian live by faith when you everything is going fine?” He said immediately and clearly, “What makes you think everything is fine?”

Good point…

“…when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8

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