The Book of James – Chapter 2

Posted by Jonathan Bingham on October 9, 2016 under Audio, Bible study, Multiweek, Series | Be the First to Comment

Our class decided it would be cool to change our tack a bit and do a Bible book study instead of our typical topical studies.  I’m not sure they’re still glad they did because we (I) are taking quite a bit of time going through, and I’ve gotten a bit too technical in the presentation.  I think we’re doing well with a better balance of background, application, and velocity in Chapter 2.  Here are the notes divided into sections.

James Section 2A – Partiality Condemned

James Section 2B – Faith and Works

AAC format playable in most browsers, iTunes, and iDevices.  xx min., xxMB

Coming soon!

The Blessing of the Tithe

Posted by Jonathan Bingham on June 8, 2014 under Bible study, Single | Be the First to Comment

On Mother’s Day our men had a very informal discussion about finances and giving. During that conversation we agreed that it would be very helpful to have some studies to refresh our awareness of God’s ways in the area of money. This is the first of that series, and we focus on the central passage in the Bible that presents the principle of the tithe and the blessings associated with obedience.

The Blessing of the Tithe

The Christian’s Wardrobe

Posted by Jonathan Bingham on August 4, 2013 under Bible study, Multiweek | Be the First to Comment

This lesson is a multi-week study of Colossians 3:12-14.  It is a wonderful passage that focuses on how to get along together, a truly needful message for the church today.  The eight virtues Paul lists in the passage are:  compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, long-suffering, forbearance, forgiveness, and love.

A Christian’s Wardrobe