As I typically do at the beginning of each new year, this lesson is a special challenge for the year for my group. It is a call to commit to daily Bible reading. First, we recognize why we so often need to make New Year’s resolutions: a lack of self-discipline. Next we come to understand how a lack of self-discipline is rooted in our unwillingness to control our minds. Then we learn how daily Bible reading will positively affect our lives by bringing our thoughts in line with God’s and help us make better choices.
You’ll notice that some of the presentation notes are blank. That’s because I have taught that content before and didn’t have time to type in the explanations. And because I knew I would be adding the audio to the post that would fill in the blanks, as well. AAC format usable in iTunes and with iPods. 59 min., 29MB
As I revealed in the previous lesson, I realized that while knowing your spiritual gifts, and even understanding His purpose for you, are both important steps in finding God’s direction and will for your life, having an ultimate life goal will dictate your priorities and activities to make you more focused and effective in your Christian life. This lesson illustrates that truth with numerous examples from some great individuals from the Bible: Paul, Moses, Hannah, and Jesus.
This lesson is a follow-on lesson after the spiritual gifts study to drive us to take the results of that study and discern what new activities and direction we should consider. I also made a worksheet including some of the spiritual gifts, talents, and personality traits that might help one discern a bigger picture view of how God made them and what that might mean about God’s purpose for them.