Are You a Doer of the Word?
This study of James 1:22-27 looks at the differences between “spectator” christians and those who live the Word.
Free written and audio Christian Bible studies
This study of James 1:22-27 looks at the differences between “spectator” christians and those who live the Word.
This second lesson in the series preparing for the new year is probably suited for two different class times, the first on prayer time, the second on Bible time. The lesson’s intent is very practical, non-judgmental, and non-legalistic.
This was a first in a series of lessons preparing for the new year, presenting some ideas that God might wish to insert into the lives of the class in the coming year.
This lesson is in response to a poll by George Barna showing that only 9% of christians in America hold a set of biblical beliefs that would be the starting point of a biblical world view. I attempt to provide biblical support for each of the beliefs.
An in-depth study of James 1:21 intended to show both the biblical mandate for Scripture meditation and the benefits of it. It is very practical, providing ideas for how, when, and different length text suggestions, and has a companion starter template for memory verses.
This complement to the Mother’s Day lesson is written to wives and contains some biblical instruction about how to treat their husbands. The theme is “respecting your husband.”
This is a simple study aimed at husbands to remind them of God’s instructions to them about how to treat their wives. The theme is “loving your wife.”
This series is a deeper study on faith, with lessons titled, “Reconciling the ‘Ask’ Passages”, “Faith According to Jesus”, and “Baby Steps of Faith.”
A series of home finance lessons based on Dave Ramsey’s wonderful seminar material. Also includes an older lesson I did that contains a couple of useful points. (Zip file)
An exegetical study of Romans 8, written in response to the large number of very serious situations faced by members of our group.